A Reminiscence of Wordsworth Day, Cockermouth, April 7th, 1896
Hardwicke wrote that the title, “A Reminiscence of Wordsworth Day,” has been chosen because it is hoped that as each year brings daffodil time round again, the Birthday of the Poet may be celebrated in Cockermouth by a children’s holiday.
Any profits arising from the sale of this little book will be devoted to a “Prize Fund,” for awarding prizes for Recitations of Wordsworth’s Poetry, open to the Scholars in the Cockermouth Day Schools."
Concerning the Town in Which the Poet Was Born (pp. 5-13)
The Day of the Fountain (pp. 14-16)
Speeches at the Unveiling of the Fountain, by Mr. Straughton, Canon Rawnsley, Rev. H. J. Palmer, and Mr. E. Jackson (pp. 17-24)
Speech of Sir Wilfrid Lawson at the Public Meeting (pp. 25-28)
Letters Read at the Meeting from Distinguished Admirers of the Poet (pp. 29-46)
An Address on Wordsworth by Canon Rawnsley (pp. 47-62)
Speeches by Mr. T. P. Whittaker, M.P., Mr. W. L. Alexander, and Dr. Mitchell (p. 63-67)
Wordsworth: A Sketch of His Life and Work, by Dr. Llewelyn Davies (pp. 68-)