This bibliography is based on A Checklist of the Principal Publications of Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley, compiled by Andrew F. Wilson and published in 1985, together with Mr. Wilson’s unpublished document, A Checklist of the Principal Publications of H. D. Rawnsley, Additional Items (July 2018). A number of additions and amendments have been made to these two documents.
‘The Wooing of the North Wind: Its Beginning and End’, Uppingham School Magazine, 8 (June 1870), 147-57. [Poem]
‘St. Werburgh’s Tower’, Western Daily Press, 7 March 1876, p. 3. [Poem]
‘To the Memory of the Fathers of the Western Church, whose Memorial is Preserved by the Sculptures in the Cathedral Porch’, Western Daily Press, 3 April 1876, p. 4. [Poem]
‘To All Who are Interested in Pulling Down or Preserving to Grateful Memory the Sculptures of the Few Latin Fathers of the Western Church, now Erected on Either Side of the Cathedral Porch’, Western Daily Press, 3 April 1876, p. 4. [Poem]
‘Raika, “Queen of the Bulgarians”’, Western Daily Press, 5 September 1876, p. 3. [Poem]
‘Harvest Thanksgiving at St. Barnabas, Sept. 5, 1876’, Western Daily Press, 9 September 1876, p. 3. [Poem]
‘A Family in Distress’, Western Daily Press, 22 September 1876, p. 3. [Letter]
‘“The Miners’ Rescue”. Troedyrhiw Colliery, Rhondda Vale, Glamorganshire, April 20, 1877: A Poem (London and Bristol, 1877).
A Book of Bristol Sonnets (London and Bristol, 1877).
‘The Rock of the Pomegranate’, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, (July 1879), 118-26.
‘Note on Kades’, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, (April 1881), 124-5.
Sonnets at the English Lakes (London, 1881).
‘Memorandum: In Reference to the Memorial Stone at Grisedale Tarn’, Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 2 (1882), 23-4.
‘The Rock Rimmon’, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, (July 1882), 177.
‘The Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway’, London Evening Standard, 5 February 1883, p. 2. [Letter]
‘The Railway in Borrowdale’, Carlisle Patriot, 23 February 1883, p. 6. [Letter]
‘The Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 3 March 1883, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The Braithwaite and Buttermere Railway: A Plain Contradiction’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 17 March 1883, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The Proposed Permanent Lake District Defence Society’, Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 5 (1883), 45-58.
‘In Memoriam: Thomas Dundas Hartford-Battersby’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 28 July 1883 p. 5. [Poem]
‘Harvest Thanksgiving at Crosthwaite’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 20 October 1883, p. 5.
‘Some Good friends have said the parson’s a sinner’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 29 December 1883, p. 4. [Poem]
‘Old last year’s friends brought together’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 29 December 1883, p. 5. [Poem with Edith Rawnsley]
‘Note III – The Hawkshead Beck’, The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth edited by William Knight, 3 (Edinburgh, 1883), 410-13.
‘Note VII – The Meeting-Point of Two Highways’, The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth edited by William Knight, 3 (Edinburgh, 1883), 416-20.
‘A Happy Death’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 16 February 1884, p. 5. [Poem]
‘Blind was the storm, from wild Atlantic brought’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 21 June 1884, p. 5. [Poem]
‘Now from the sacred grove of Borrowdale’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 21 June 1884, p. 5. [Poem]
‘Ill could we spare the Tree St. Patrick knew’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 21 June 1884, p. 5. [Poem]
‘Seascale Memories’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (August 1884). [Poem]
‘On the Yew-Trees of Borrowdale’, Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 6 (1884), 150-55.
‘Reminiscences of Wordsworth Among the Peasantry of Westmoreland’, Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 6 (1884), 161-194.
‘Proposed Alteration to Crosthwaite Church’ English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 13 December 1884, p. 5. [Letter]
‘Note III.—The Hawkshead Morning Walk: Summer Vacation’, The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth edited by William Knight, 6 (Edinburgh, 1884), 389-90.
‘Preface’, In the Light: Brief Memorials of Elizabeth Phebe Seeley by her Sister, (London, 1884), v-xiii.
The Calls of Christian Brotherhood: Sermon Preached in Crosthwaite Church on Hospital Sunday, 11th May 1884 (Keswick, 1884).
‘T’Ald Fwoake’s Dinner’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 3 January 1885, p. 4. [Poem]
‘Consecration Hymn’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 28 March 1885, p. 5. [Hymn]
‘Special Hymn’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (April 1885).
‘A Royal Wedding: July 23, 1885’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (August 1885). [Poem]
‘Lord God of love, here gathered now’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 12 September 1885, p. 5. [Hymn]
‘Church and State’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (December 1885). [Poem]
‘Preface’, Christ for To-Day: International Sermons by Eminent Preachers of the Episcopal Church in England and America (Edited) (London, 1885).
‘Once more, from hall and cottage home, we meet’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 2 January 1886, p. 5. [Poem]
‘Change Ringing at Crosthwaite Church’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 2 January 1886, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The Old Folks Dinner’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (February 1886). [Poem]
‘A Cry from Ireland’, Spectator, 59 (13 March 1886), 355. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam: M. S. Rooke. Obiit March 26, 1886’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (March 1886). [Poem]
‘The Late Rt.-Hon. W. E. Forster’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 24 April 1886, p. 5.
‘In Memoriam. W. E. Forster. Obiit April 5’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 24 April 1886, p. 5. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam, John Richardson, the Cumberland Poet and Village Schoolmaster, Obiit St. John’s Vale, April 30, 1886’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 8 May 1886, p. 5. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam, John Richardson, the Cumberland Poet and Village Schoolmaster, Obiit St. John’s Vale, April 30, 1886’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (June 1886). [Poem]
‘The Mind of Christ’, Christian World Pulpit, 29 (12 May 1886), 298-300.
‘Hymn for the Advent of the Jubilee Year of Queen Victoria’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (July 1886).
‘August in the Keswick Vale’, Spectator, 59 (31 July 1886), 1022. [Poem]
‘August in the Keswick Vale’, Westmoreland Gazette, 7 August 1886, p. 3. [Poem]
‘August in the Keswick Vale’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (August 1886). [Poem]
‘The Cathedral Service’, Yorkshire Gazette, 28 August 1886, p. 6. [Poem]
‘The Banquet’, Yorkshire Gazette, 28 August 1886, p. 6. [Poem]
‘Memories of St. Wilfrid: Thoughts Suggested by the Ripon Millenary Festival’, Christian World Pulpit, 30 (15 September 1886), 172-4.
‘Ripon Millenary Festival’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (September 1886). [Poem]
‘Hymn for the Re-Opening of Buttermere Church’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (September 1886).
‘Ruth and Boaz’, Christian World Pulpit, 30 (29 September 1886), 196-8.
‘Footpath Preservation: A National Need’, Contemporary Review, 50 (September 1886), 373-86.
‘In Memoriam: September 9, 1886’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (October 1886). [Poem on the death of Edward Rathbone]
'In Memoriam. SEptember 9, 1886', Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (October 1886). [Poem on teh death of Spencer Bell]]
‘Why Not Victoria Clergy Pension Fund and Church House?’ Spectator, 59 (13 November 1886), 1525.
‘November at the Lakes’, Spectator, 59 (13 November 1886), 1527. [Poem]
‘November at the Lakes’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (November 1886). [Poem]
‘So Songolo: The Crosthwaite Boy on Lake Nyasa’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (December 1886).[Poem]
‘A Christmas Sonnet’, Spectator, 60 (8 January 1887), 44. [Poem]
‘With All My Mind’, Contemporary Pulpit, 7 (January 1887), 12-21.
‘1887’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (January 1887). [Poem]
‘The Ambleside Railway’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 26 February 1887, p. 5. [Letter with W. H. Hills et al]
‘The Old Parish Church’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (February 1887). [Poem]
‘The Ambleside Railway’, Carlisle Journal, 1 March 1887, p. 3. [Letter with W. H. Hills et al]
‘Sea Gulls at St. Bees’, Carlisle Journal, 25 March 1887, p. 6. [Poem]
‘A Jubilee Hymn’, Scottish Church, April 1887. [Hymn]
‘A Jubilee Hymn’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 9 April 1887, p. 5. [Hymn]
‘The Jubilee – A Retrospect’, Aberdeen Press and Journal, 16 April 1887, p. 8. [Poem]
‘A Rainless April’, Spectator, 60 (23 April 1887), 558. [Poem]
‘April with Rain – A Sequel’, Spectator, 60 (30 April 1887), 590. [Poem]
‘April with Rain – A Sequel’, Carlisle Journal, 20 May 1887, p. 6. [Poem]
‘A Jubilee Hymn’, Christian World Pulpit, 31 (25 May 1887), 335. [Hymn]
‘Crosthwaite Churchyard’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (May 1887). [Poem]
‘Skiddaw Jubilee Bonfires’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 4 June 1887, p. 5. [Letter]
‘Children’s Jubilee Hymn’, Christian World Pulpit, 31 (8 June 1887), 367. [Hymn]
‘The Gospel of the Father’, Christian World Pulpit, 31 (8 June 1887), 367.
‘To the Editor of the Carlisle Journal’, Carlisle Journal, 21 June 1887, p. 3. [Letter]
‘From Skiddaw Top on Jubilee Bonfire Night’, Carlisle Patriot, 24 June 1887, p. 3.
‘The Jubilee – A Retrospect’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (June 1887). [Poem]
‘July at the Lakes’, Spectator, 60 (16 July 1887), 959. [Poem]
‘The Skiddaw Jubilee Beacon’, Carlisle Journal, 29 July 1887, p. 5.
‘July at the Lakes’, Carlisle Journal, 5 August 1887, p. 6. [Poem]
‘Keswick and District Footpath Preservation Association’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 6 August 1887, p. 5. [Letter with W. Colville, W. R. Fitzpatrick and H. I. Jenkinson]
‘From Skiddaw Top on Jubilee Bonfire Night’, Cornhill Magazine, 9 (August 1887), 154-64.
‘August at the Lakes’, Spectator, 60 (6 August 1887), 1057. [Poem]
‘Sermons from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: I – Christian Hospitality’, Christian World Pulpit, 32 (10 August 1887), 93-5.
‘Sermons from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: II – The Two Ways’, Christian World Pulpit, 32 (17 August 1887), 100-102.
‘Sermons from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: III – Christian Influence’, Christian World Pulpit, 32 (31 August 1887), 141-3.
‘On Hearing a Sermon by the Rev. Phillips Brooks’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (August 1887). [Poem]
‘Sermons from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: IV – Hypocrisy’, Christian World Pulpit, 32 (7 September 1887), 154-6.
‘Sermons from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: V – The Christian Ministry’, Christian World Pulpit, 32 (21 September 1887), 186-8.
‘Gospel Rose’, Contemporary Pulpit, 8 (September 1887), 203-13.
‘Jubilee Bonfires: Prospect’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (September 1887). [Poem]
‘Jubilee Bonfires: Retrospect’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (September 1887). [Poem]
‘A National Issue at Stake’, Pall Mall Gazette, 1 October 1887, p. 6. [Letter]
‘The Late Mr. H. A. Spedding’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 8 October 1887, p. 4.
‘At the Grasmere Sports’, Murray’s Magazine, 2 (October 1887), 527-37.
‘Wordsworth and Japan’, Murray’s Magazine, 2 (October 1887), 538.
‘Edward Thring’, Spectator, 60 (29 October 1887), 1452.
‘Edward Thring’, Spectator, 60 (5 November 1887), 1488. [Poem]
‘Industrial Art at Keswick’, Carlisle Journal, 29 November 1887, p. 5.
‘Industrial Art in Keswick’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 3 December 1887, p. 5.
‘Sermons from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: VI – The Christian Eucharist’, Christian World Pulpit, 32 (7 December 1887), 358-60.
‘Our Industrial Art Experiment at Keswick’, Murray’s Magazine, 2 (December 1887), 756-68.
‘Thou who at the marriage call’, Carlisle Journal, 30 December 1887, p. 6. [Hymn]
‘Closing Footpaths in the Lake District’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 31 December 1887, p. 4. [Letter]
‘For rich or poor or high or low’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 31 December 1887, p. 4. [Poem]
‘The Humanity of Wordsworth’, Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 8 (1887), 69-78.
‘Note’, Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 8 (1887), 79-80.
Sonnets Round the Coast (London, 1887).
Next: Bibliography of Publications by Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley 1888-1891
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