This bibliography is based on A Checklist of the Principal Publications of Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley, compiled by Andrew F. Wilson and published in 1985, together with Mr. Wilson’s unpublished document, A Checklist of the Principal Publications of H. D. Rawnsley, Additional Items (July 2018). A number of additions and amendments have been made to these two documents.
‘A New Year’s Greeting’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (January 1897). [Poem]
‘Great Britain in America’, Outlook, 55 (12 January 1897), 267.
‘The Royal Buck-Hounds’, Nature Notes, 8 (January 1897), 11. [Poem]
‘That National Trust’, Cornhill Magazine, 2 (February 1897), 245-9.
‘In Memory of Acting Counsel-General Phillips, Son of the Archdeacon of Barrow, and Those Who Perished with Him Near Benin City, January, 1897’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (February 1897). [Poem]
‘Diamond Jubilee Bonfires’, Times, 4 March 1897, p. 7. [Letter]
‘Poem’, Daily Chronicle, 11 March 1897. [Poem]
‘Poem’, The Star, 11 March 1897. [Poem]
‘An Appeal’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 13 March 1897, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The Cry of Crete to the Six Powers’, New York Times, 23 March 1897, p. 6.
‘The True Story of D’ye Ken John Peel’, Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, (March 1897).
‘The Cry of Crete to the Six Powers’, London Chronicle, (circa March 1897).
‘The Pigeons’ Sanctuary’, Nature Notes, 8 (March 1897), 52. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam: Frank C. Crossley’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (April 1897). [Poem]
‘To London’s Heart: An Appeal for the Churchyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, Nature Notes, 8 (April 1897), 74. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam: Charles Gore Ring. Medical Officer of Health for Keswick. Died in Crosthwaite Church, Easter Morning, 1897, During Service’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (May 1897). [Poem]
‘The Chiffchaff’s Message’, Nature Notes, 8 (June 1897), 116. [Poem]
‘Now let the stars from heaven to earth be shed’, West Cumberland Times, 19 June 1897, p. 6. [Poem]
‘The Jubilee Bonfires, Up Skiddaw’, London Daily News, 25 June 1897, p. 2.
‘“The Sayings of Our Lord”, A Note by Canon Rawnsley’, West Cumberland Times, 17 July 1897, p. 2.
‘In Grateful Memory of John Fisher Crosthwaite. Died June 2nd, 1897’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (July 1897). [Poem]
‘To the Elders of the Church in Europe’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (August 1897). [Poem]
‘Betting at the Grasmere Sports’, Times, 7 September 1897, p. 10. [Letter]
‘A Song of Life’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (November 1897). [Poem]
‘The Workhouse Nurse’, Carlisle Patriot, 3 December 1897, p. 6. [Poem]
‘The Workhouse Nurse’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (December 1897). [Poem]
The Dignity of Service (Keswick, 1897).
Number 1: The Spirit of Honour (Keswick, 1897).
Number 9: The Spirit of Sonship (Keswick, 1897).
Henry Whitehead 1825-1896: A Memorial Sketch (Glasgow, 1897).
“Sayings of Jesus”: Six Village Sermons on the Papyrus Fragment Preached in St. Kentigern’s Church Crosthwaite, Keswick (Glasgow, 1897).
‘We keep Christ’s Day in Cumberland’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (January 1898)
‘“Caedmon Memorial” at Whitby’, Times, 8 February 1898, p. 8. [Letter]
‘To John Ruskin on His 79th Birthday’, Nottinghamshire Guardian, 12 February 1898, p. 4. [Poem]
‘A Spring Song at the Lakes’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (February 1898). [Poem]
‘Born in Our Monster Babylon’, Dial, 24 (1 March 1898), 156. [Poem]
‘King Alfred the Great’, London Daily News, 19 March 1898, p. 6. [Poem]
‘“On, Lads. On!”’ London Daily News, 14 April 1898, p. 2. [Poem]
‘The Blackbird Dead’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (April 1898). [Poem]
‘The Altar of Fashion’, Nature Notes, 9 (May 1898), 81. [Poem]
‘To America’, Penrith Observer, 10 May 1898, p. 6. [Poem]
‘To America’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (May 1898). [Poem]
‘Heroism in Common Life’, Sunday Magazine, 27 (June 1898), 420-4.
‘In a Gullery’, Nature Notes, 9 (June 1898), 109. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam: Funeral of William Ewart Gladstone, May 28th, 1898’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (June 1898). [Poem]
‘Home from Italy’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (July 1898). [Poem]
‘In Honour of Peart and Dean, the brave engine-driver and stoker of the Paddington and Windsor express, who died rather than desert their post, Wednesday, July 20th, 1898’, London Daily News, 27 July 1898, p. 6. [Poem]
‘The Railway Heroes’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (August 1898). [Poem]
‘The Spirit of Gordon. A Sonnet on Omdurman’, Lancashire Evening Post, 2 September 1898, p. 9. [Poem]
‘Confession in the Church of England’, Times, 5 September 1898, p. 5.
‘The Spirit of Gordon’, Bradford Daily Telegraph, 6 September 1898, p. 2. [Poem]
‘The Spirit of Gordon. A Sonnet on Omdurman’, South Wales Echo’, 6 September 1898, p. 3. [Poem]
‘The Spirit of Gordon. A Sonnet on Omdurman’, Shields Daily News, 7 September 1898, p. 4. [Poem]
‘The Spirit of Gordon. A Sonnet on Omdurman’, Durham County Advertiser, 9 September 1898, p. 3. [Poem]
‘The Spirit of Gordon. A Sonnet on Omdurman’, Lowestoft Journal, 10 September 1898, p. 7. [Poem]
‘The Tsar’s Manifesto’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (September 1898). [Poem]
‘A Pilgrimage to La Verna’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 164 (September 1898), 410-21.
‘The Story of the Caedmon Cross’, Sunday Magazine, 27 (September 1898), 691-6.
‘White Herons and Worn-Out Horses: What Can the Legislature Do?’ Nature Notes, 9 (September 1898), 168-70.
‘The Empress of Austria: In Memoriam’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, ((October 1898). [Poem]
‘With Paul Sabatier at Assisi’, Contemporary Review, 74 (October 1898), 505-18.
‘Corpus Christi Day at Orvieto’, Contemporary Review, 74 (November 1898), 737-45.
‘A Pilgrimage to La Verna’, Living Age, 219 (19 November 1898), 519-30.
‘Here’s to Kitchener’, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 30 November 1898, p. 2. [Poem]
‘To the Sirdar – A Welcome Home: Thursday, October 27th, 1898’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (November 1898). [Poem]
‘Doll and the Starling: A Morning Call’, Nature Notes, 9 (November 1898), 203. [Poem]
‘Heroism in Common Life’, Sunday Magazine, 27 (December 1898), 851-6.
‘The Caedmon Cross’, The Builders’ Journal and Architectural Record, (7 December 1898), 282-3.
‘A Farewell to Kitchener’, Wells Journal, 15 December 1898, p. 2. [Poem]
‘To the Czar Nicholas II’, Westminster Gazette, 19 December 1898, p. 2. [Poem]
‘Corpus Christi Day at Orvieto’, Living Age, 219 (24 December 1898), 811-8.
‘Christmas in Crete, 1898’, Cumberland and Westmorland Herald, 31 December 1898, p. 7. [Poem]
‘Brave Little Lads of Lincolnshire’, Yorkshire Evening Post, 31 December 1898, p. 5. [Poem]
Solvitur Ambulando (Keswick, 1898).
Property Rights in the Light of Christ (Keswick, 1898).
The Spirit of Faith (Keswick, 1898).
The Lamp of Chivalry (Keswick, 1898).
Christ’s Appeal to Unbelievers (Keswick, 1898).
Freedom Through Death (Keswick, 1898).
De Profundis (Keswick, 1898).
The Letter and the Spirit (Keswick, 1898).
The Tsar’s Message (Keswick, 1898).
The Lord – The Avenger (Keswick, 1898).
Christ the Door (Keswick, 1898).
‘The Prevention of Tuberculosis’, Times, 3 January 1899, p. 13. [Letter]
‘A Second Chapter in the History of Rebate Bridges in the Ancient Parish of Crosthwaite’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 7 January 1899, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The New Year’s Hope, 1899’, Penrith Observer, 9 January 1899, p. 6. [Poem]
‘The New Year’s Hope, 1899’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine (January 1899). [Poem]
‘The Bargate of Southampton’, Times, 14 January 1899, p. 13. [Letter with Thackeray Turner]
‘They who, with sight of Death see Duty clear’, Westminster Gazette, 24 January 1899, p. 2. [Poem]
‘Tuberculosis and the Meat Supply’, Times, 26 January 1899, p. 2. [Letter]
‘They who, with sight of Death see Duty clear’, Peterborough Advertiser, 1 February 1899, p. 3. [Poem]
‘To the Editor of the Visitor and Guardian’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 25 February 1899, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The Peace Conference’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (February 1899). [Poem]
‘To John Ruskin: On His 80th Birthday, 8th February, 1899’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (March 1899). [Poem]
‘Not to make smooth the pathway to the grave’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 4 March 1899, p. 5. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam: Josephine Kipling, New York, March 6’, Westminster Gazette, 10 March 1899, p. 2. [Poem]
‘In Memoriam: Josephine Kipling, New York, March 6’, Nottingham Evening Post, 11 March 1899, p. 2. [Poem]
‘Tuberculin Test at Castle Howard. Important Correction’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 11 March 1899, p. 5. [Letter]
‘The Tuberculin Test’, Penrith Observer, 14 March 1899, p. 3. [Letter]
‘Disinfectants’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 18 March 1899, p. 5. [Letter]
‘In Memoriam’, South Wales Daily News, 8 April 1899, p. 6. [Poem]
‘The Legend of the Three Friends and Jesuit Persecution’, Times, 9 May 1899, p. 6. [Letter]
‘Stewardess of the Stella’, Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer, 6 May 1899, p. 7. [Poem]
‘Lord have me! Help me! Unafraid’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 13 May 1899, p. 5. [Poem]
‘The Queen’s Birthday’, Times, 29 May 1899. p. 10.
‘To Victoria – A Birthday Greeting: 24th May, 1899’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (June 1899). [Poem]
‘Home from Lombardy’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (July 1899). [Poem]
‘The National Trust: Its Aim and Its Work’, Saint George. The Journal of the Ruskin Society of Birmingham, II (July 1899), 113-27.
‘Keswick High School Trust’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 2 September 1899, p. 5.
‘French Justice and God’s Truth’, London Daily News, 12 September 1899, p. 6. [Poem]
‘French Justice and God’s Truth’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 16 September 1899, p. 4. [Poem]
‘The Gathering of the Eagles’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 16 September 1899, p. 5.
‘The Eagles of Judgment’, Christian World Pulpit, 56 (20 September 1899), 180-1.
‘The Leonids and Ladysmith’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 18 November 1899, p. 5. [Poem]
‘An Estcourt Hero’, South Wales Echo, 21 November 1899, p. 2. [Poem]
‘The Khalifa Dead! Om Debriket – Nov. 23’, Crosthwaite Parish Magazine, (December 1899). [Poem]
‘County War Relief Fund’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 2 December 1899, p. 4. [Letter]
‘A Hero of Belmont: November 23, 1899’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 2 December 1899, p. 5. [Poem]
‘After the Battle’, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 8 December 1899, p. 3. [Poem]
‘Born of the love of Bridget when her soul’, West Cumberland Times, 16 December 1899, p. 2. [Poem]
‘Woollen Socks, Comforters, and Tam-O’-Shanters – For the Men at the Front’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 23 December 1899, p. 5. [Letter]
‘War and the Old Folks’ Creed’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 30 December 1899, p. 5. [Poem]
‘A Man of Straw at Ladysmith’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 30 December 1899, p. 5. [Poem]
‘Comforts for the Front’, English Lakes Visitor and Keswick Guardian, 30 December 1899, p. 5. [Letter]
Life and Nature at the English Lakes (Glasgow, 1899).
Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy (London, 1899).
Triflings on Board the “Teutonic” (Liverpool, 1899).
The Gathering of the Eagles (Keswick, 1899).
Next: Bibliography of Publications by Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley 1900-1903
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