Attends the inaugural meeting in Glasgow of the Cumberland and Westmorland Association in Glasgow (15 January).
Attends meeting in London where it is agreed that a Secondary Schools Association be formed. Hardwicke elected hon. secretary of the committee charged with drafting a constitution for the organisation (28 January).
Attends the first meeting of the Pan-Anglican Congress. 17000 clergy and laity attend. Hardwicke composes a special hymn for the Congress and presents a paper on ‘Religion and the Press’ (15-24 June).
Presents a paper on ‘Religion and the Press’ at the Carlisle Diocesan Conference held at Keswick (15 September).
Presents a paper on ‘Religion and the Press’ at the Hereford Diocesan Conference (30 October).
Edith formally opens the Keswick and District Miniature Rifle Club (November).
The National Trust decide to oppose the building of an enlarged sewerage station at Windermere (February).
Appointed a Governor of the new Workington Secondary and Technical School (February).
Presents a paper on ‘Highway Vandalism’ at the first British Road Conference in London convened by the County Councils’ Association (29 April).
Preaches a sermon on ‘Indecent Literature’ at Westminster Abbey (9 May).
Writes a letter to The Times deploring the possible sale abroad of Holbein’s “Duchess of Milan” (14 May).
Hardwicke is made First Class as Chaplain to the Territorial Force, ranking as Colonel, from the 1st (Cumberland) Volunteer Battalion, The Border Regiment (June).
Hardwicke proposes that Cumberland Education Committee create ‘Sea Scholarships’ for young people in the county (July).
Installed as residentiary Canon at Carlisle Cathedral (5 July).
Writes a letter to The Times supporting the proposal to restore Somersby Church as a fitting tribute for the Tennyson Centenary (3 August).
Service of dedication of the new baptistery at Crosthwaite Church to commemorate Hardwicke’s twenty-five years’ service at the church (8 August).
Organises meetings at Carlisle (10 August) and Keswick (11 August) to celebrate Tennyson’s centenary.
A member of a deputation from the Secondary Schools Association that appeals to the Government for relief from new taxes introduced in the recent Budget (13 August).
Attends the Presentation of Colours at Lowther Castle in his capacity as Chaplain to the 4th Border Regiment (11 September).
Attends a “Sonnets” dinner at the Lyceum Club organised to celebrate the tercentenary of the publication of Shakespeare’s sonnets (6 December).
Poems at Home and Abroad published.
Round the Lake Country published.
Becomes President of the Trustees and Managers of the Keswick Savings Bank (7 January).
Attends annual meeting of the Keswick Town Improvement Association. Hardwicke produced a lecture, with lantern slides, which can be lent to organisations so that the attractions of Keswick and its surroundings can be brought home to the members of various institutions throughout the length and breadth of the land (16 February).
Attends York Convocation (22-23 February).
Chairs the annual Keswick Musical Festival (30-31 March).
Gives a presentation on ‘Obscene Literature’ to Day and Sunday School teachers at Wigton (23 April).
Gives a presentation on ‘The Influence of Music on the Masses’ at the Morecambe Musical Festival (4 May).
Presides at the annual Keswick May Festival (5 May).
Gives a presentation on the ‘National Trust’ to the Garden City Residents’ Union in Hertfordshire (May).
Presents the reports of the Committee on Moral Corruption in Social Life and the Committee on Sunday Observance at the York Convocation (25-26 May).
Publishes a letter in The Times about the proposed purchase of Grange Fell and Borrowdale Birches in the Lake District (28 June).
Attends the ‘Public Morals Conference’ in Caxton Hall, London (15 July).
Becomes Chairman of the Governors of the St. George’s School for Boys and Girls, Harpenden (July).
National Trust complete the purchase of land in the Cheddar Cliffs (July).
Attends Carlisle Diocesan Conference (20-21 September).
Attends the United Free Church Guild Conference at Hawick and gives a lecture on ‘What Shall We Read?’ (19 November).
Publishes a letter on ‘Owls and the Rat Plague’ in The Times (24 December).
Next: 1911-1913
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