Hardwicke writes letters to the newspapers calling attention to the nutritional value of ‘haver’ bread as opposed to the ‘anaemic’ white bread now being advertised and widely sold (January).
Writes to The Times proposing that the forthcoming coronation of King George V should be celebrated by a national chain of bonfires (17 February).
National Trust launch a campaign to raise £7,700 to purchase Colley Hill (April).
Preaches a sermon at Halton Holgate on the occasion of the Dedication of a memorial to former Rectors, Churchwardens, and Parish Clerks. Event attended by other members of the Rawnsley family (24 April).
Preaches a sermon at the Aberdeen Musical Festival (7 May).
Attends York Convocation (18-19 May).
Gives a presentation on ‘Moral Influence of Modern Novels’ at the Worcester Diocesan Conference (30-31 May).
Attends annual meeting of the National Trust (8 July).
Attends the re-opening of Somersby Church as part of the Tennyson Centenary celebrations (6-7 August).
National Trust begin campaign to save the Tattershall Mantelpieces and Castle. The campaign fails and the mantelpieces are removed, ready for shipment to America (September).
Hardwicke confirms that monies have been raised to purchase land for the National Trust on the foreshore of Ullswater (October).
Cumberland County Council Highway Authority decide to demolish Portinscale Bridge and build a new bridge. Hardwicke and the National Trust begin a rear-guard action to save the bridge, saying that it can be repaired using the new grouting technique. Hardwicke and another local resident offer to reimburse the Council for the costs incurred in grouting if it proves to be unsatisfactory (October).
Gives a lecture on ‘Pernicious Literature’ at the United Free Church Congress in Edinburgh (2 November).
Lord Curzon buys Tattershall castle to save it for the nation. The whereabouts of its famous mantelpieces remains unclear (November).
By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes published.
Book of the Coronation Bonfires published.
Attends the Cumberland Musical Festival (2 January).
Letter published in The Times opposing the proposal to allow hydro-aeroplanes on Windermere (4 January).
Hardwicke is one of the signatories to a Memorial to His Imperial Majesty the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire protesting against Turkish atrocities (February).
Hardwicke adds his signature to a protest circulated by the International Arbitration League against the use of aerial vessels in war (February).
National Trust launch an appeal to purchase Minchinhampton Common (February).
Delivers an address at the Dickens Centenary in Manchester (7 February).
Preaches a sermon in Oxford critical of the striking miners (March).
Appointed honorary chaplain to King George V (March).
Participates in the Browning Centenary (7 May).
Attends York Convocation (8-9 May).
Campaign to raise funds to purchase Borrans Field, near Ambleside begins (May).
Speaks on ‘Pernicious Literature’ at a conference of librarians at Keswick (1 July).
Attends annual meeting of National Trust (11 July).
Emma Cons dies (24 July).
Octavia Hill dies (13 August).
Hardwicke gives a lecture to the Fabian Summer School on ‘The Preservation of Beauty Spots’ (26 August).
A memorial tablet, presented by Hardwicke, to commemorate the heroism of the bandsmen on the Titanic is unveiled at St. Mark’s Church, Dewsbury (1 September).
Preaches in Manchester Cathedral on the “New Man.” (1 September).
Armitt Trust Library opened (8 November).
Attends York Convocation (27-28 November).
The Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves founded (December).
Appeal made by the National Trust for monies to support the purchase of Queen Adelaide’s Hill in the Lake District (January).
Announcement that the Druids’ Circle, Keswick, has been vested in the National Trust (February).
Hardwicke attends Buckingham Palace where his appointment as Honorary Chaplain to the King is conferred by the Lord Chamberlain (4 February).
Attends York Convocation (19 February).
Hardwicke is one of the signatories of a memorial sent to the Government requesting an honourable peace settlement for the Balkans (March).
Presides at the Keswick Musical Festival (2 April).
Attends York Convocation (23 April).
Attends the unveiling in Grasmere Hall of the painting, ‘Grasmere Rushbearing’, by Frank Bramley (26 April).
Presides at the Keswick May Day Festival (1 May).
Attends the annual meeting of the Commons and Footpaths Preservation Society in London (7 May).
Re-elected President of the Carlisle and District Swimming and Water Polo League at their annual meeting (23 May).
Attends the annual meeting in London of the Secondary Schools Association (17 June).
Addresses the Women’s Suffrage Pilgrimage as they pass through Keswick (22 June).
Attends the opening of the Grasmere Exhibition of Industry and Applied Arts (1 July).
Attends annual meeting in London of the National Trust (10 July).
Delivers an address at the annual Speech Day of Carlisle Grammar School (30 July).
Presides at the annual Speech Day at St. George’s School, Harpenden (31 July).
Delivers the sermon at the Grasmere Rushbearing (2 August).
Writes to The Times proposing the formation of Traffic Boards for the Provinces to help curb the nuisance of motor-cars and motor-cycles (21 August).
Attends an ‘Education Conference’ at Keswick (30 August).
Queen Adelaide’s Hill formally opened to the public by the Speaker of the House of Commons (11 September).
Hardwicke votes for the admission of women to parochial councils and ruridecanal and diocesan conferences at the annual Carlisle Diocesan Conference (23 September).
Writes letter to the London Daily News opposing the proposal to build a road over Styhead Pass (4 October).
Sir Robert Hunter dies (6 November).
Writes letter to The Times asking Glasgow Council to re-consider their proposal to build a dam at the lower end of Loch Voil, some 50 ft. high, which will submerge the historic home of Rob Roy MacGregor and entirely alter the pastoral scenery in the immediate neighbourhood of the loch (22 November).
Next: 1914-1918
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